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Extension’s mission is to connect people with the University of Wisconsin. We teach, learn, lead and serve, transforming lives and communities.

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Free Parenting Classes

Connect with other parents. Get practical, positive parenting ideas. Help children grow.

Free online Parenting Classes: thursdays at 1pm or 7pm

a group of elderly women smiling as they exercise

Join a StrongBodies Class

StrongBodies envisions a diverse community of individuals who are fit, strong, and healthy – and become change agents where they live.

Supporting Youth Mental Health

Multi-lingual resources for adults to support youth and their mental health

Supporting You(th): A Mental Health Series

crops growing in a field

Badger Crop Connect

See new webinars and catch up on previous topics such as drought, cover crops, and more

Reverse Mortgage Considerations

What are the advantages & disadvantages that come with a reverse mortgage?

Keys in the door of a home

a group of water action volunteers setting up equipment

Be a Stream Monitor

Join hundreds of Water Action Volunteers around Wisconsin who monitor the health of their local streams.

Extension’s Work Reaches Across Wisconsin

We help more than 200,000 farmers, parents, youth leaders, neighbors and businesses through our six program areas

Know what you’re looking for?

The Wisconsin Idea

Extension’s Role

UW-Madison is a public university guided by public service. The Wisconsin Idea stipulates that education should influence people’s lives beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

Extension brings the research of the University to the people of Wisconsin. Our offices throughout the state provide educational opportunities in the communities where people live and work.

I shall never be content until the beneficent influence of the University reaches every family of the state.

UW President Charles Van Hise in 1905
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