Careers at UW–Madison Extension

Application Information

Before applying, be sure to update your resume to best reflect your experience and qualifications related to the job you are applying for.


  • Include experience – include your work history and lived experience that is relevant to the position. Highlight roles and responsibilities that are related to the qualifications on the job announcement.
  • Include relevant skills – provide a clear overview of your skills and how they fit the job.
  • Include training/education – describe any coursework that matches the job requirements.

Do not:

  • Include any personal details in your resume that do not relate to the job. Examples include gender, ethnicity, photos, or political party.

A letter of qualifications is a document which highlights specific examples of your experience and/or training as they relate to the position.

Example: The job that you are applying for includes experience in planning and teaching educational programs and ability to work cooperatively with other agencies and community-based organizations. In your letter of qualifications, you would list these details:

  • Experience in planning and teaching educational programs:
    • My experience in planning and teaching educational programs is….
    • Examples of work I have performed that include planning and teaching educational programs are….
  • Ability to work cooperatively with other agencies and community-based organizations:
    • My experience working cooperatively with community-based organizations is….
    • Examples of work I have performed in cooperation with community-based organizations include….

Review this webpage to see answers on the UW application process.

Review this document to see how to navigate the application process for UW Jobs.

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