Engaging Agriculture

Photo by Sevie Kenyon/UW–Madison CALS

Extension is part of a UW System request to enhance outreach, education, service, and studies to agricultural industries and rural communities. This proposal includes dedicated, leading-edge research as well as specialized outreach on a variety of farming and community topics.

The Request

The University of Wisconsin budget proposal includes 20 agriculture positions to support industry and community issues, furthering the Wisconsin Idea of connecting University research to all corners of our state. The proposed funding would ensure that experts are working on key issues of statewide importance by creating CALS Research Faculty positions and Extension Outreach Specialist positions.

The Need

Agriculture and related sectors are vital components of Wisconsin’s economy, generating $104.8 billion in economic activity and 437,700 jobs. Supporting farms, food systems, water quality, and health are vital to engaging all of our state’s communities. University of Wisconsin-Madison, through the Division of Extension in partnership with the College of Agricultural & Life Sciences (CALS), is uniquely positioned to identify and help solve emerging issues in agriculture and communities across Wisconsin. From Extension’s work with counties and partners, clear needs have been identified for research and educational outreach around challenges facing agriculture sectors and communities. With educators, specialists, and experts in all 72 of Wisconsin counties, UW-Madison can leverage priorities and critical issues in ways that can bring communities together to create positive change.

The Model

Research and study are critical to understanding best practices, real-world conditions, and the emerging realities farms and communities face. Likewise, outreach is needed to develop solutions that community members, businesses owners, non-profits, and governments can utilize with a University expert with deep knowledge of priority topics.

For example: Did you know that Wisconsin produces 60 percent of the country’s cranberries? It takes continuous research at the UW-Madison College of Agricultural & Life Sciences and producer outreach from the UW-Madison Division of Extension to lead the industry and provide a connection between science and growing. Recently a producer reported that they “relied on the excellent Extension study for our plant selections” and the solutions presented “the most informative and info packed piece of cran literature I have ever seen and very timely! The science in that piece was excellent.”

The Positions

CALS Research Faculty

UW-Madison researchers within the College of Agricultural & Life Sciences (CALS) develop world-class research, working closely with Extension Outreach Positions and with input from farm owners, practitioners, and trade groups. This research forms the basis for guidance and solutions. Integrated faculty Extension specialists (also known as Extension Specialists) are typically co-funded by Extension and academic departments at UW-Madison and other campus partners.

The Extension Faculty specialists integrated into CALS conduct basic and applied research that is extramurally funded, reviewed by peer scientists from around the world and informs Extension programming. They may deliver their findings directly to user groups or partner with county Extension programs on dissemination. They also train graduate and undergraduate students.

Extension Outreach Specialists

Extension outreach specialists are funded by Extension. They provide outreach programming in a specialized topic across several counties or the entire state. These specialists also collaborate with faculty in academic departments on field-based research and disseminate research findings and other relevant information. This request funds three Extension statewide specialists and 14 regionally based Extension statewide specialists.

Specialists will develop and deliver educational programming and could include co-funding from traditional and new partners. The positions leverage the latest university research to create regional solutions coordinated with local agencies and trade groups to move industry and rural prosperity issues forward. This model builds off successful private-public partnerships to connect and apply university research with those who can benefit from it the most.

The UW-Madison Impact

The CALS/Extension outreach positions are part of UW-Madison’s impact and outreach for Wisconsin’s communities. UW-Madison’s economic development, health, and education outreach measures have statewide reach and results.

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