Home » Agriculture

The UW-Madison Division of Extension Agriculture Institute addresses emerging issues related to Wisconsin’s agriculture and horticulture systems with research-based outreach to advance economically sustainable, socially responsible, and environmentally sound practices.
Interact with our Programs
Ag Water Quality

Delivers educational content for farmers, crop advisors, and conservation professionals on the relationship between agriculture production and water quality
Crops and Soils

Provides timely resources and information to help Wisconsin crop producers and their agricultural consultants manage crops efficiently and profitably

Strengthens the competitiveness of the Wisconsin dairy industry through statewide leadership in education and research
Farm Management

Provides research-based farm business management information, resources, and decision-making tools to farmers and agribusinesses

Helps farmers, consumers and allied industry to make informed decisions about beef cattle, poultry, sheep and goats, equine, swine, and meat science

Covers everything from soil to trees, water quality to plant health, and every insect in between
Did you know?
Our Extension Faculty Specialists, Regional Educators, and Outreach Specialists offer valuable educational resources for Wisconsin farmers and gardeners. Stay informed by subscribing to our program newsletters, attending events, or enrolling in our virtual courses.

Agriculture’s Impact on Wisconsin’s Economy

Agriculture is vital to Wisconsin’s urban and rural economy, contributing to both jobs and income.
Learn about The Contributions of Agriculture to the Wisconsin Economy
Upcoming Events
A Part of the Agriculture, Natural Resources & Community Development Program Area
Extension’s Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources & Community Development creates a bridge between Wisconsin’s ag and the environmental resources with the people that use them. We help producers, farmers, and businesses build stronger and more diverse farm and food systems. With communities and regions, we work hand-in-hand to support land and water resource needs.