
Extension’s Agriculture Institute is your connection to the latest University of Wisconsin-Madison research. Our five program areas; Agriculture Water Quality, Crops and Soils, Dairy and Livestock, Farm Management, and Horticulture, are here to educate and respond to the needs of the agriculture community while providing resources that promote economic and environmental sustainability in Wisconsin. We apply research to challenges facing communities and businesses. 

Agriculture Programs

a tractor in a field

Crops and Soils

Providing timely resources and information to help Wisconsin crop producers and their agricultural consultants manage crops efficiently and profitably

close up of a cow's nose


Strengthening the competitiveness of the Wisconsin dairy industry through statewide leadership in education and research

Wisconsin farm

Farm Management

Providing research-based farm business management information, resources and decision-making tools to farmers and agribusinesses

small plants in small planters

Wisconsin Horticulture

Covering everything from soil to trees, water quality to plant health, and every insect in between

a croup of chickens on a farm


Helping farmers, consumers and allied industry to make informed decisions about beef cattle, poultry, sheep and goats, equine, swine, and meat science

a Discovery Farms Field

Discovery Farms

Educating and developing on-farm and related research to determine the effects of agricultural practices on a diverse group of Wisconsin farms

A master gardener working with a community memeber on a project

Wisconsin Master Gardener

Training volunteers to help educate the public about gardening and natural resources and deliver meaningful community programs

a stream in Wisconsin

Ag Water Quality

Delivering educational content for farmers, crop advisors and conservation professionals on the relationships between ag production practices and water quality outcomes

County Economic Impact Reports

overhead view of a farm

Agriculture plays a vital part of the economy in nearly every Wisconsin county, whether urban or rural, contributing both jobs and income.

Learn more through our impact reports

Upcoming Events



Did You Know

Many people already know of our popular programs such as Master Gardener, but we also:

  • assist in developing Community Gardens (check your local office)
  • help farmers have intentional conversations around farm succession and develop future plans for their farm
  • conduct research and provide information for farmers to select cropping practices to improve their production systems and minimize soil loss
  • Strengthen Wisconsin’s dairy industry through education and research
  • Provide researched backed information about the relationship between agriculture and water quality

And much more! Check with your local office for more programs near you.


person looking at a map on a phone

Find Your Local Office

Extension experts live and work in the communities they serve. Our team offers insight and solutions based on a deep understanding of local needs and priorities.

Find your local office


A Part of the Agriculture, Natural Resources & Community Development Program Area


Extension’s Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources & Community Development creates a bridge between Wisconsin’s ag and the environmental resources with the people that use them. We help producers, farmers, and businesses build stronger and more diverse farm and food systems. With communities and regions, we work hand-in-hand to support land and water resource needs.


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Heidi Johnson is the Agriculture Institute director.

She was previously the Crops and Soils educator in Dane County.

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