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Track 2 – Enhancing Natural Resources
Northwoods Forum Home » Track 2: Enhancing Natural Resources

Northwoods Forum Track 2:
Enhancing Natural Resources
Focusing on topics such as Forestry, Water Quality, and Tourism
Session A : Natural Resources Recreation and Tourism
The Northwoods of Wisconsin is a region rich in natural beauty and cultural diversity, offering year-round recreational opportunities. Tourism and recreation are some of the main drivers of the local economy, attracting visitors from the region, state, and beyond. These industries are facing various challenges and experiencing changes that both threaten and expand economic opportunities for communities. Our panelists will explore the history, trends, changes, and impact of recreation and tourism in the Northwoods, and invite participants to share and discuss opportunities for further fostering innovation and adaptation in these vital industries.
Presented By:
Austin Holland, PhD – Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, UW-Stevens Point Center for Land Use Education
David Marcouiller, PhD – Professor, UW-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and Division of Extension
Sharon Moen, Food-Fish Outreach Coordinator, Wisconsin Sea Grant
Session B: Critical Water Resources in the Northwoods
From our valued springs, creeks, inland lakes, and rivers to the Great Lakes, water serves as a vital resource to the communities in the Northwoods. Panelists will explore the richness of our water resources, pressing issues and threats, and current research that can support community preparedness around water-related issues. The panel will also invite questions from participants to foster a constructive dialogue on water issues and community needs in the Northwoods.
Presented By:
Gretchen Gerrish, PhD – Director, UW-Madison Center for Limnology – Trout Lake Station
Grace Graham – Hydrogeologist, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Eric Olson – Director & Lakes Specialist, Extension Lakes Program
Kaitlin Reinl, PhD – Research Coordinator, Lake Superior National Estuarine Research
Session C : Northwoods Forest Economy, Workforce, and Markets
The forests of Northern Wisconsin are integral to the history, culture, and identity of the region, providing jobs, income, recreation, and diverse economic opportunities for communities. Session speakers will discuss the current and future trends and needs of the forest industry and local communities and connections to workforce shortages, and will invite participants to engage in collaborative conversations that explore opportunities to address challenges of forest-based economies.
Presented By:
Scott Bowe, PhD – Professor and Wood Products Specialist, UW-Madison Kemp Natural Resources Station
Les Werner, PhD – Professor and Director, UW-Stevens Point Wisconsin Forestry Center